I zipped through the news headlines too fast... but stopped and thought of how elated I was to start a new year. This whole "New year, New you" is quite a cliché that never gets boring.
The New year is also a start to a beautiful beginning to lay out goals for the next 365 days of your life and beyond. It is so easy to become distracted: be caught on with negative thoughts and preocupied with what people say or think of us, comparing or judging others. But like Margret Thatcher said, " Disciplining yourself to do what is right and important, although difficult, is the highroad to pride, self-esteem, and personal satisfaction".
Quit letting others be in charge of your Happiness; quit trying to prove them wrong and just succeed. Be unapologetically yoursel! If you belive in yourself, the world would believe in you.
There is no lack, there is only abundance of opportunities. Seize them, knowing that consistent hardwork makes the difference. It will all work out as it's meant to be.
Manifesting this year to be the greatest yet!